martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012

Literary Essay

In The Door in the Wall, by H. G Wells, a boy called Wallace imagine a green door in a white wall. Inside the door there had a great and fantasy world, but it was a problem of his imagination. This story have three tone. Reality vs imagination, loneliness and insanity.
  The “reality vs imagination” in the story explains that the reality life is the opposite world than he imagined. Inaide the door, the imaginative world is like a paradise with children playingin the garden and phanters. He imagined the world that he wished there insisde the green door. The kids that appear in this world are the friends that he never see in his really life. Also its appear a beautiful woman that he imagine like his mother.
  His childhood was in “loneliness” because his mother died when he was little and he never have any friends. The relationship with his father was very bad. The poor boy imagined all the people in this fantasy world because he never see these people. He only have one friend called Randolph, but Randolph thougt that Wallace was crazy because Wallace invite Randolph to saw this fantasy world and Randolph could not see nothing.
  He suffered a very important problem called “insanity”. This means that he imagined things that really do not exist. He had insanity because he imagined “The Door in the Wall”.
  For my opinion this story is very interesting because all this fantasy world and all the big problems that Wallace need to support. Generally i don’t like this type of story but The Door in the Wall atrapt me, i was very interestin how this story will be ending.

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012


This story is about a family that was killed by a Group of gangsters, because the mother of the family didn’t pay the money that she ought, so a lot of problems happen in this interesting story.   

One morning in Catalunya Spain, a big family was killed by a group of gangsters in their house. This family was not a normal family because they were 9 children and the parents, 6 girls and 3 boys, but the only two that survived were the mother called Laura and one of her daughters called Paula.

All started at 06:00 am of the Friday 4 of July. All the family was sleeping at the moment that the gangsters entered the house by the kitchen window. The gangsters were seven and the boss of the group was Tony. Laura knew Tony before this situation, because she worked for him. The gangsters started to kill in the boy’s bedroom. Later they went to the girl’s bedroom but Paula listened to them so she hid under the bed. When Tony and the gangsters finished their work with the kids, they went to the parents` bedroom. There, the thing was different. The gangsters only killed Mario (the father). When the gangsters left the house, Paula ran to her parents` bedroom and she saw the horror.
Laura and Paula decided to go to another country to be safe, but before they leaved Laura have found a note in the kitchen that said: “ YOU MUST PAY THE MONEY IF NOT YOU WILL BE THE NEXT ONE”. Laura was very scared and in shock because of all this situation. Paula asked her mother what the letter said, but Laura didn’t want her daugther to think that she was a bad person that worked for the gangsters and had to pay for money. At that moment, Paula started to investigate all this case. When the night came and Laura went to sleep, Paula started to search for the letter and she found it. She read it and she was angry with her mother. Laura was the responsible for all the deaths that her siblings suffered. The day after Laura and Paula fought a lot and Paula went out of her house. Laura found a very good job and paid the gangsters, but she also had another problem, find her child Paula. She started to call the police and the police station said that they found Paula´s body in the lake. Laura was alone and also in shock, so she decided to commit suicide.


lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

Bosques cauducifolios

Bosques Cauducifolios

El bosque cauducifolio esta mayormente encontrado al este de Estados Unidos y al Sur de Argentina.
Este bosque esta compuesto por arboles cauducifolios, su principal característica es que pierden sus hojas todos los años debido a la temporada invernal seca y fría.
Muchos animales muy conocidos viven allí  y logran adaptarse completamente a su clima y sus características  algunos animales que habitan en los bosques cauducifolios son castores, zorros, ciervos, ratas, serpientes, lobos y mucha variedad de aves.
La flora de este bioma debe estar muy adaptada a los cambios de este bosque sufre, ya que durante el año hace demasiado frió o demasiado calor.
El hombre es responsable de muchas cosas en la naturaleza, en estos bosques el hombre puede conseguir fácilmente madera para beneficios personales, es por eso que cada vez quedan menos arboles cauducifolios allí, queda aproximadamente una cuarta parte del bosque. Por eso debemos cuidarlos.

En las siguientes imágenes podemos ver los diferentes climas en estos bosques. Mayormente podemos encontrar frió en la parte sur de Argentina, que allí es donde encontramos un parte de los Bosque Cauducifolios.

Realizamos otro trabajo relacionado con Los bosques cauducifolios en una pizarra, aquí le dejamos el link para que puedan visitarlo:  y tambien realizamos un mapa en es scribble maps:

Trabajo Realizado por: Agustina Castro y Geronimo Ciezar.

viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012

Bebida alcholica absolut vodka

                                                                  VODKA ABSOLUT

Graduación alcholica: La graduación alcohólica corresponde a la cantidad de alcohol que el producto tiene en relación al volumen. Se mide como un porcentaje, en cuyo formato se incluyen las palabras "alcohol" y "volumen" (usualmente abreviadas) junto con el signo porcentual, como por ejemplo "alcohol 12% vol." 

En este caso podemos decir que el Vodka es una de las bebidas mas fuertes que uno puede ingerir con un 40% de alchol. Podemos encontrar esta información el la parte de atrás de la bebida. Esta información nos permite tener mayor conocimiento sobre la cantidad de alchol que uno ingiere y para poder cuidarse mas. 

Actualmente es la tercera bebida blanca tras el Bacardí y Smirnnof. Su precio actual esta entre $200 y $300.  

lunes, 30 de julio de 2012

diary entry

Dear Diary:
                   My name is Sejata and i am a little Indian girl. I wrote a poem called “A different history” during the British colonization but really I don’t know what it is.
   One day when I wake up my mother said tell me that we had to move another place because the British were going too arrived to this town. Really I was very scared because the situation and because I don’t know really why this people are here, the only thing that I know was that we have to live the house. My grandfather had a country house in a big field outside the city so we decided to move that place to be more protective. The second week that the British were on India we received a very sad new: My house was destroyed by the British. Luckily we were in my grandfather’s house. The last night we header a noise outside like a gun, so I decided to check for the window if the British were here and… in a second the lights turn it off . My head was covered with a box and they move us to another country in America with my mom. 2 months ago we went again to the India and we recuperated all the things that we lose that complicated night.

martes, 29 de mayo de 2012

L/L writing soliloquy

I was very confused in that moment that I thought to kill myself. The only solution to this problem was to kill my daughter, because the oracle said that someday she will kill me. But I can not do something like that; really I was very confused and scared about the situation. But I don’t wanna kill my daughter; I don’t know what I have to do! If I kill my daughter I am going to have a big problem with the gods but Hades can help me and he can tell the situation to Zeus. That is a good idea, but I don’t wanna to kill my daughter, I am really in trouble. But if I kill my daughter then I can see her in the underground; yes that is a great idea… what I am saying, but I love my daughter  she is my life well I am not going to put her life in danger; so If the time comes I am going to kill Perseus